Amistad National Recreation Area

this past weekend i celebrated my twenty sixth birthday with an overnight kayaking trip to the amistad national recreation area. 

 it has been exactly one year since the start of this little project we decided to call america y'all, and it's been a whirlwind thus far. what came about as just a way for us to document our lives and travels for ourselves has grown into more than we could have imagined.

the past twelve months flew by like the miles on our odometer and i don't think i would have changed a thing. weekend after weekend our trips never got old, we were constantly learning and growing as a couple and as individuals. even if it was a visit to a place we had been before we found a new way to explore and enjoy it.   

new friends, amazing trips and exciting opportunities have all come to fruition just through us doing what we enjoy. everything in the past year has happened organically, nothing forced, just what we've been doing all along; except now we bring a camera and a pen along with us on our travels.

"this had been a full, rich year. i have left no strange or delightful thing undone i wanted to do." everett ruess; 1934.
